June 3rd, 2011
Some years ago Apple introduced a feature called “safe sleep”, which dumps the content of the system RAM into an on-disk file. If battery power falls below the threshold that can sustain the content in the system RAM while the Mac is asleep, OSX will use this fallback virtual memory state during the next power-up.
Dumping some GB (2, 4, 8, …?) to disk takes some time, though. If you do not move around your MacBook too often, you can choose to disable this feature for more instant sleep:
sudo pmset hibernatemode 0
You can also remove the perviously used file to regain some GB of storage:
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
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May 14th, 2011
Using gdb to debug in assembly code without symbols:
layout asm
# or simply:
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May 12th, 2011
So VIA now enters the game of many-core with the VIA Nano QuadCore.
Unfortunately, however, the dual-core VIA Nano X2 did not yet even made it to the market. The VIA Nano already was years late, and so is the X2. I guess this time they may ship the QuadCore sooner, because it mostly consists of two X2 dies, which will probably help to start shipping the X2 and QuadCore in a similar timeframe.
Without all these delays, or slow development –whatever you want to name it– I’m sure VIA would have been more successful over the last years. This way Intel and AMD could get into the lower-power market easily, and quickly. And this while Intel’s Atom is only deliver an “abysmal” year 2004 Transmeta Efficeon performance.
The X2 and QuadCore thermal design power (TDP) is not that low either, 25W for the fastest X2, and 27W for the (lower-clocked) QuadCore + ~5W for the chipset and graphics. AMD’s Fusion E-350 runs at 18W, while the C- and G- series are down to 5W-9W, including the memory controller and graphics: Fusion.
VIA will continue to have a hard time competing against AMD’s high-performance, low-power offerings, as well as Intel’s less-performing either lower-power (Z-series Atom) or higher-power regular Atoms.
PS: What surprises me in Anandtech’s report is, that VIA Centaur is running their simulation cluster with Intel CPUs. I certainly would not feed my competitor, and instead rather use my own CPUs. This would not only thoroughly stress test them, but also motivate the engineers to develop performant next-gen chips, … And: You seriously expect other cloud folks (Facebook, Google, et al.) to run clusters of VIA CPUs if VIA is not even doing so in-house???
Posted in Hardware, Life | No Comments »
May 9th, 2011
I wanted to take notes of noteworthy, locations, such as restaurants and bars, while abroad for quite some time now, … But oh well, you know, spare time is quite an exclusive luxury in todays busy world.
Due to given occasion, however, I just created a new Food category and plan to write notes in the very near future. Such as about my near-daily business lunch at Otito, Berlin Mitte (tip: Quick 6, Sushi + Miso Soup #2), or abroad insider tips, like Employees Only, NYC (tip: Ruby Tuesday).
So stay tuned!
Posted in Food | No Comments »
May 9th, 2011
Looks like some at Apple are working overtime, and reviewing Apps on Sundays:
May 08, 2011 11:01 In Review
May 08, 2011 14:44 Processing for App Store
May 08, 2011 14:46 Ready for Sale
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April 20th, 2011
Who thought Apple’s Mac App review times would have improved since my last (iOS) report, just look at this:
March 28, 2011 08:07 Waiting For Upload
March 28, 2011 08:45 Upload Received
March 28, 2011 08:45 Waiting For Review
March 31, 2011 15:11 In Review
April 05, 2011 22:28 Rejected
April 06, 2011 10:31 In Review
April 07, 2011 08:37 Rejected
April 07, 2011 09:05 Waiting For Upload
April 10, 2011 05:58 Upload Received
April 10, 2011 06:00 Waiting For Review
April 10, 2011 06:15 In Review
April 19, 2011 11:07 Processing for App Store
April 19, 2011 11:10 Ready for Sale
Fun getting an App thru thy all-mighty review guards, heh?
Posted in Software, Life, Services | No Comments »
April 15th, 2011
diskutil resizeVolume disk0s3 40G
Life can be so nice!
However, now with Mac OS X 10.7 “Preview 2″ (11A419) my Logitech trackball’s scroll wheel is inverted, … How can a bug like that slip into a solid USB HID stack? Ieek :-(
Update: It’s not a bug, it’s a feature! Preferences -> Mouse -> “Move content in the direction of finger movement when scrolling or navigating” - inverts the mouse wheel, and a-like event’s orientation, … Ieek! Feels so strange, …
Posted in Software, Life | 1 Comment »
March 17th, 2011
My main “workstation”, a 3 year old MacBook Pro, is really reaching the point where something slightly snappier would be nice. As I also use Linux a pretty PC laptop would be sufficed, too. Especially as I do not 100% fall in love with the latest unibody Macs, anyway (I would take a black liquid-metal incarnation, though, … ;-).
With the advent of neat silicon from AMD there should be plenty of slim, light and long battery life PCs, but there aren’t, … :-( The only thing one could barely consider was the previously expensive, and now discontinued Dell Adamo, … With this good design vacuum it is no wonder Apple is selling that well, …
I could consider the new Lenovo X220, the IPS display is certainly appealing, but where the heck is the ultra-portable, slim & light S-series edition of it?
Oh my, guess I have to wait even longer, and if the PC industry continues to fail with good designs, I can just hope to see some nice liquid metal, black & beautiful Apple laptop in a year (or so), …
Posted in Hardware, Life | No Comments »
February 28th, 2011
Again the German Railway took off without us, and it was literally just seconds missing this time! We had like 9 minutes to change the train, and our train was about 5 minutes late. Normally not a problem to still catch the next train; one would think, … But when the DB parks the first train at the second half of the platform behind another, and let you jog it done with all your luggage, to arrive at the net train “just in time”, touch the door sensor, but the ICE just accelerates away, … well, you know that there is something wrong at that public transportation company’s management.
Actually this is not the first time - stuff like this happened to us so often that we rarely used DB railway the last years anyway. Usually flying or rented cars are cheaper anyway. Once we had playing kids on the track, another time environmental activist cut off the electricity line, and worse was a concrete block of said environmental groups. The worst situations ever, however, where when some train had frost damages, the listed replacement went later, but did went into a slightly different direction, and thus did not stop at our destination station and another time when all ticket automats where defect, we where instructed to go down the hall to buy the tickets (not possible in short distance trains, no exceptions, not even when all ticket machines are out of order), and when we arrived back, the next train was already in place, which we mistakenly even entered in all the haste!!!
And this is not even counting in the mess that is the Berliner S-Bahn, nor recent strikes!
We just gave the “Bahn” a chance, because the departure time was more suitable, and we had the luck to get one of those highly discounted tickets.
Guess how often we will use the railway the coming years.
(Posted via 3G, O2 Germany, in before-mentioned ICE.)
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February 20th, 2011

Berlin is not only breaking international visitors records year after year, with the Berlinale and similar events it is also attracting movie business and fans.
In time for this year’s Berlinale moviemaker Ralf Schmerberg installed the letters “Holywood” in Berlin Tiergarten, just between Brandenburger Gate and Potsdamer Platz. The installation mimicks the legendary skyline in Los Angeles meassuring 14 meter in height and 53 meter wide.

The creator wants to point out the shrinking number of tree’s in the otherwise green city, apparently due to missing funding in the city’s budgets.
Enjoy even more in my Berlin 2011 gallery.
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