Archive for January, 2018

GCC becomes slower and slower

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

As visible on my other posts, also on twitter and instagram I’m working on some vintage machines with our #t2sde the other weeks. Now only did the new GCC versions feel slower and slower, where even EPYC datacenter servers took like twice as long to bootstrap some $sysroot, … I did a quick mips64 build and install to the R10000 mips64 Sgi Octane. A hello-world.c compile is like 20% slower from 4.9.4 to 7.2.0 (N32 user-land):

# gcc –version
gcc (GCC) 4.9.4
# time gcc hello.c
user 0m1.080s


# gcc –version
gcc (GCC) 7.2.0
# gcc hello.c
user 0m1.290s