command line iTunes Connect upload?


/ITunesSoftwareService.framework/Versions/A/Support/altool –upload-app -f my.pkg -u -p thepassword

Why does Apple tell nobody, let us fight with the UI and bug nightmare that is the Application Loader or Xcode!!! :-/ ???

PS: if you are using an older macOS version you may also need to download the new Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate:

And if you install older Xcode versions on a newer macOS they can also overwrite the codesign tool or it’s support files you may get:

The product archive package’s signature is invalid. Ensure that it is signed with your “3rd Party Mac Developer Installer” certificate.

In which case for me it helped re-installing the /Applications/InstallOSX…app/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmg’s Packages/BSD.pkg

Your milage may vary! :-/



/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v “${RELEASE_BUILDDIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.app” -o “${BUILD_HISTORY_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.ipa” –sign “${DEVELOPER_NAME}” –embed “${PROVISONING_PROFILE}”

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